CTT – Italia (Solda) 18 a 19 de Abril 2021
Informamos que Collegio Nazionale (ITALIA) organizará una prueba técnica CTT en Solda (BZ) del 18 al 19 de abril (día de recuperación 20/04/21) que sustituye a la CTT que debería haber tenido lugar en Passo (Bz) del 29 al 30 de marzo de 2021.
Para registro e información en la Web del Collegio Nazionale: Enlace Web Collegio Nazionale
Transcripción del correo original oficial recibido:
» Dear colleagues,
We inform that Collegio Nazionale will organize a CTT technical test in Solda (BZ) from 18th to 19th April (recovery day 20/04/21) which replaces the CTT that should have taken place in Passo Furcia (Bz) from 29th to 30th march 2021
For registration, please check on the Collegio Nazionale website:
Anyone wishing to partecipare as a member of jury, please contacts the Collegio Nazionale.
We asked to forward this e-mail to all European partners
Best regards
Massimo Alpe Segretario
Collegio NazionaleMaestri di sci Italiani